How to Save HUNDREDS of Dollars on paint

Well Pinterest, you have done it once again. Made my life..or at least my week…so much easier! A few weeks ago when I was having one of those months where nothing would go right, I found myself leaving the gym at 6:30 in the morning still half asleep, which resulted in me backing into a nice white pole with my nice black car. The white paint stuck out like a sore thumb! I had waited a few weeks and almost forgot about it until a coworker asked me about it. I started asking around for quotes from body shops, and I heard anywhere from $500-$700 to fix the paint job. PUKE! It made me sick to my stomach thinking about spending that much for a ditzy mistake I made.

When I looked closer, I realized that I could almost scratch off the paint with my finger nail, and that it must have just been paint from the pole on my car, not actual scratches. So I did what every red blooded woman would do, and I started a Pinterest search for DIY ways to remove paint from your car. I saw one person share a picture of the Mr. Clean Magic eraser pads, and since I was running to Target anyway, thought I would pick one up and give it a shot….and boy, I am so glad I did!! I eagerly tried to remove the paint in the Target parking lot (didn’t care who was staring) and the white paint came right off. Yeeee-haw!

I hope someday, somewhere, the creator of that original posts sees this one and knows how thankful I am for their Pin!

I saved hundreds by using a little muscle and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Before and After– I saved hundreds by using a little muscle and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

How to Organize your Holiday Greeting Cards in less than 5 minutes.

How to Organize your Holiday Greeting Cards
How to Organize your Holiday Greeting Cards

As a graphic designer,
I know how much time (and money) go into holiday cards, and each year it pains me not knowing what to do with the Holiday Greeting cards fro the previous year. My birthday is also around Christmas, and it also pains me to toss the thoughtful greeting cards that friends and family sent. I would hate to ever throw them away… but the OCD in me Hates having my fridge covered up with multiple years worth of family pictures.

This simple organization idea works great, and you can still have them on a coffee table for display! It’s cheap, and fast!

All you need is:

A $2 bracelet hoop from Walmart (you can also use a key ring or cute ribbon, but I felt like it might wear out the card)
Hole punch
And several greeting cards
I punched punched a hole in the upper corner of the cards, looped them on the bracelet, and they are now on my coffee table for everyone to see!